Alright and basic start to an auto-battler, but takes a little time to find out what is going on interface-wise, as you drag pngs of weapons until something happens. There is no inventory button before positioning, so you will have to press the back button to go to your items. The enemies are very limited, for the 15-20 minutes I played there were only 3 different enemies, two of them being spiders. I don't know if there is any level progression, other than the rare piece of armor or weapon you get seemingly at random. On the plus sides, I think that the art for both the soldiers and especially the enemies are pretty good, especially the giant spiders, and the armor that the soldiers wear. Overall, if the developer spent some time on this game, including stuff like music, an understandable interface, and a general feeling of progression, this can be an alright start to an auto-battler.